Winning With Battles
Winning With Battles

Are You Ready to Win?

Scars of Hope is dedicated to life transformations. Shari is ready to support you in overcoming your personal battles. She views the scrapes and wounds that we encounter in life as opportunities for development. Let her assist you with a personalize strategy to confront your challenges and stay winning.

How Can I Help You

Battles are Real

Battles are real and without the proper strategies we can find ourselves frustrated and feeling defeated. Understanding the proper rules of engagement will equip you with the keys to unlock hidden potential. Let me assist you in aligning with your purpose.

Benefits of Coaching

Coaching builds your capacity to resolve your own issues, while increasing your confidence and belief in yourself, which helps you to become self-aware and motivated.

Let's Connect

Meet Your Battle Buddy

Shari Battles is not only a certified transformational life coach, but she is also certified by life. Growing up as an adoptee in a single parent home,she has personally championed abandonment, rejection, trauma, grief, loss, and various emotional turmoil.As an alumna of Liberty University, Ms. Battles holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and is currently certified in 14 different evidenced based curriculum’s and has an extensive background with working with different populations. She offers life span coaching for all age groups. Welcome to the battle ground, where we identify, face, and overcome!


“Thank you so much for everything, you really helped me in my situation, you actually helped me to realize how beautiful I really am. Sessions with you left me feeling like I could conquer the world.”

Sarah, 16

Thanks to you I have learned how to set healthy boundaries for myself and standards, you have inspired me to love me, and that all the answers I needed are already within me, thanks again Ms. Battles.”

Sania, 18

“Shari Battles helped me discover that I have everything that I need inside of me to unlock the solutions to the challenges that I was currently experiencing. One-on One sessions with her were offered with a level of comfort, warmth, and understanding. I looked forward to every session!

Felica, 45

I was going to therapy for a while and can honestly say that I have received more from your one-on-one coaching sessions, than therapy. You really showed that you cared. There were moments when I laughed and there were moments when I cried, you didn’t make me feel like I was just a waste of your time, I’m back facing life now with a different attitude and mindset.

Sam, 25

Book a Consultation

Get in touch with us. It is my goal to offer you the best possible coaching service available. Fill out the form to book your appointment. Thank you!



(352) 275-8751

Business Hours

Monday- Saturday 8:00am-7:00pm

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